

Masako was born in the west of Kyushu region Japan. The natural scenery around her was always magnificent and limitless, stimulating her five senses as the core of her production of paintings.


She realized her passion for paintings in early teenage and developed her interest in learning the meaning of colors in the exchange year in USA. It took no time to express herself in abstract paintings while learning at Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She also deeply found her sense of Japanese beauty by studying at Kyoto Art University.

She’s been based in NYC since 2019. Her works have been exhibited in contemporary galleries, curated art shows and selected by juried exhibition. Also, her paintings are featured in public collections in Japan, gaining collectors nationally and internationally.





Juried Exhibition / Group Exhibitions


2024.    European Museum of Modern Art, Spain

               Usagi NY Gallery, DUMBO Brooklyn, NY

               Loft Artists Association, CT

2023.    Kota Alliance, Sugar Hill, NY, NY

2022.    RedFox Contemporary Gallery, NY

               KuroKirin Espresso & Coffee, NY, NY

2021.     KuroKirin Espresso & Coffee, NY, NY

2020.     Northern Manhattan Arts Alliances, NY, NY



Public Displays in Japan

  • Tangible Cultural Property  Cafe Akashiya
  • Tangible Cultural Property  Sumiya
  • Fukuoka City Art Museum
  • Hirado City Library
  • Kitagawa General Hospital
  • Ainosono Kindergarten
  • Flower Design School Kaka
  • Arkas Sasebo Music Hall
  • Gallery Monne Porte
  • Kousyungama Gallery
  • Restaurant Ottan-Totto
  • Restaurant Aozora
  • Café Boeki




  •  Artsper, Curator Japan, Artsy, Northern Manhattan Art Alliance, Royal Blue Gallery Sweden, Las Laguna Gallery CA.
  • Art Collide - Notable Entry Award


Auxiliary Project 

  • 24th and York Mini Park - Mosaic Sculpture - San Francisco, CA
  • Uptown Artist Stroll - Ring Garden - NYC



  • Kyoto University of the Arts - Bachelor of the Arts
  • Academy of Art University San Francisco CA - New Media and Fine Art Study
  • New York School of the Art - Abstract Painting 

To find out more about her art pieces, please contact by clicking here or go to contact page.